Symphonic Winds

Symphonic Winds is a select group based upon the previous years playing your instrument, written exams, performance demonstration in lessons, rehearsals, and performances and schedule availability. Students perform music literature from many cultures and periods, in a variety of styles, including orchestral transcriptions, solo concertos with accompaniment, chamber music marches, and modern compositions. Serious high school musicians will be challenged to perform demanding literature and are highly encouraged to seek private lessons with a faculty approved instructor.

The West Essex Band Boosters support both the Symphonic Winds and Concert Band ensembles in many ways.  Here are some of them:

  • Guest Conductors & Sectional Coaches – professional musicians and educators provide hands-on education, support and guidance for our students both on and off-campus,
  • Senior Scholarships,
  • Annual Music In Our Schools Dinner for both High School and Middle School Band students,
  • Concert Hospitality and Refreshments, after all High School Symphonic Winds and Concert Band performances

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