Marching Knights, Staff and Parents Enjoy an End of Season Celebration

Students, Parents and Staff came together on Tuesday November 6, 2018 for the annual End of Season Marching Band Celebration Dinner, sponsored by the West Essex Band Boosters. The dinner is a special way to mark the formal end of the Marching Band Season for so many students who have worked hard together since the summer months learning, rehearsing and performing “UNTAMED“.

IMG_7074During dinner, underclassmen signed the Seniors’ posters, pictures and videos were played, and speeches were given by Mr. Fabrizio and Seniors Izzy Bonvini and Catherine Marino, reflecting on a successful season and thanking all those involved in making 2018 one of the most enjoyable years yet!

Senior posters are signed, reflecting the closeness of the Marching Knights

Senior posters are signed, reflecting the memories of the Marching Season


These students are a special group, as are the Staff that teaches them and the parents that gave so much of their own time and effort to support the program throughout the season.  The end is bittersweet for all involved…but, for many….there’s next year to look forward to!

Click here to see more photos of this special evening!