The West Essex Music Department Enjoys a Fun & Successful Trip to Disney!

From March 29 through April 2, the West Essex High School Band, Choir & Orchestra enjoyed an incredible Disney Experience with performances and workshops the students will remember for a lifetime!

Marching Knights on Main Street U.S.A.

Marching Knights on Main Street U.S.A.

Both the Choir and Orchestra impressed visitors with outstanding performances at Disney Springs, while the Marching Knights lit up Main Street USA with patriotic musical selections.  The full Concert Band & Symphonic Winds enjoyed a workshop with professional Disney musicians during which they rehearsed and performed familiar selections, including some from Star Wars and Raiders of the Lost Ark.  Even the instructors had roles to play (although you’ll need to ask the students how that went).

Plenty of parents and extended families made the trek to Walt Disney World to support the ensembles and enjoyed a memorable time of their own.

The West Essex Band Boosters offers our congratulations to all of our students for representing West Essex High School so professionally and responsibly, and to Ms. Swanick, Mr. Fabrizio, Ms. Shroyer and Ms. Mateyka (and to all the chaperones and Nurse Rombough) for providing these students an incredible and enriching experience.

And a big thank you to Band Parents Ray Stampone and Frank Matarazzo for volunteering your truck-driving skills to ensure the equipment, uniforms and luggage made it to their destinations throughout the trip on time!

Click here for a few more photos!